Jun 222012

When I say fitness challenges, what I really mean are challenges to being fit. Let’s take a look at just a handful of obstacles “excuses” that inhibit people from reaching their fitness goals.

1. Time– “I don’t have the time”. Okay so there are 168 hours in a week. Let’s dedicate 56 hours for sleeping, and 40 for working per week. That leaves us with 72 hours a week to fit in exercise. Very doable.

2. “Gyms are too expensive”. Working out in a gym has many benefits but there are essentially hundreds of exercises that one can do in their home in addition to running, biking, and hiking, and even if the equipment fails, the use of a Gym Equipment Repair service can solve the issue.

3. “I’m t00 {enter self defeating belief here}”. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies and will sabotage their own success. Stay positive or find someone that can help you discover the champion within you.

4. Eating unhealthy. Consuming bad nutrition may stem from self destructive behavior. Even for people that exercise, sometimes there is a misconception as to how much they really exerted in terms of energy. Often people belief that they worked harder than they really did and feel that they can no eat what ever they want without any consequences. Track your calorie expenditures and consumption to get the most out of the time that you are exercising.

 Posted by at 4:16 pm

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